Wholesale distribution center for Discounter’s Chizhik project in Adygeysk
The logistics center is designed to store consumer goods, food, including deep freeze products, alcoholic beverages, perishable products that require storage under special temperature conditions and complete them for shipment to a retail chain.
The distribution center will include:
∙ Warehouses of the Distribution Center building with an area of 14,463,0 square meters;
∙ Additional real estate objects necessary for the functioning of the distribution center: unloading and loading zones, parking zones, on-site engineering networks, communications and other landscaping objects.
The total area of the premises will be 14,489,9 square meters. m
The distribution center building will include:
∙ dry warehouse;
∙ warehouse “Alcohol”;
∙ refrigerated and freezers;
∙ office premises;
∙ repair shops and battery charging room with auxiliary and service rooms.
∙ area or room for storage of corrugated containers and waste paper.
The planned commissioning date is Q3 2023.
The volume of investments in the project is 1,385,580 thousand rubles.